Sunday, December 25, 2011

Books to Read

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
Hunger Games
I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

What would be the point of having a blog if I didn't write about my Christmas? It was such a fun day with the whole family and even Louis and his cousin. The food was delicious but so different since we tried ham instead of turkey this year and my aunt brought lobster. My mom's baking is getting better and better and I really want to start posting her recipes and pictures!

I basically got a whole new outfit from my family this year. Love them <3

Sunday, December 18, 2011

That's the Spirit

Outside of Yardhouse @ City Centre - December 17, 2011

I've really been in the Christmas spirit since December hit. It all started with the Christmas tree. There have been years where we may have missed out on outdoor Christmas lights, but we've never failed to put up a gorgeous Christmas tree. Then being surrounded by so many different groups of people has allowed me to join in on all sorts of festivities - White Elephant (scored me a UT Snuggie), tacky sweater dinner, and even receiving the cutest cards from my students.

Vicki, Vince, Vi, and of course Alex drove down to Houston for the weekend. It was a lot of fun being able to get some Christmas shopping done and hit up some good food. I can't wait to visit their city soon and see some lovely faces.


So long Xanga, it's been a good run with you but I've got to move on.

All of a sudden (I blame it on, I've been hooked on random crafts, cooking, and just beautifying life. Since I've taken up college advising for the past one and a half year, I've really lost my ability to slow life down and do what I love to do.

This is my shot at redeeming the fun things in life!