Monday, August 5, 2013


So you would think that since my job revolves around making students accountable and responsible for their college business, my financial aid business with my graduate program should be flawless. Think again; today was apparently the last day to pay for summer courses (what? you can pay after you take classes?) and apparently my financial aid disbursement never kicked in. What a shock to me! After having to listen to the bursar's office lady give me a lecture of being irresponsible, I just wanted to tell her to cool it on her attitude because there's actual students who don't know what the heck they're doing. I know and I even told her I'm fully aware of any consequences that come along with my careless mind this summer. Anyways, the moral of all of this is that as a higher education professional, I'm always going to try to be gentle with my approach with students. It's a stressful and crazy time, you don't need everyone else badgering you!

We made it back from Houston this weekend! I got my fair share of peking duck and dim sum, delicious! We also went with my mom to pick out the laminate color and even brought back several packages of the flooring so we can cut our next trip by a bit. We can't wait to get laminate flooring in our dining room and living rooms. Tomorrow we'll be going with the Realtor for our walkthrough before we close on Wednesday. I'm always so excited to be able to see our house. We're also meeting our mortgage broker face-to-face for the first time at closing, she's been tremendously helpful, I'd recommend her to anyone!

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