Saturday, April 21, 2012

Skinny Jeans

For a good year or so, I've been really unhappy about the way I fit and look in skinny jeans. Well, even regular jeans and pants were BLAH. But since working out for a couple weeks, I even fit into my size 1 skinny jeans and they're comfortable! I am now convinced, working out is something that has to be consistent. Everyday I do a different kind of exercise - whether it be the JM videos, Youtube Pilates exercises, or my usual run. Sometimes I take snippets of all the above and do my favorite exercises from each one.

I'm now in Dallas and got to "sleep in" till 8:30! Although it's not the same as how I used to sleep in till 11, this has been a great 7 hours of sleep and I can't wait to enjoy my weekend.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

To Workout or Not To Workout

As much as I act like it's no big deal when the students have to go get their one, two, or FOUR missing shots from the nurse, my Meningitis shot today is making my arm super sore. Yes kids, it sucks and I now sympathize with you! Since today was supposed to be a no-run day, I'm just going to go out in the awesome weather and power walk/jog. Push ups and planks just aren't happening today.

On the brighter side, I am now one step closer to becoming a graduate student at the University of Houston. I seriously can't wait to start learning more about the issues that colleges face and what's being done about it.

I've also decided to stay at my current job (part-time) for the next year! Since I'm already getting to see more and more juniors, it's actually making me excited that I will get to work them this coming fall. Now I just have to get this Decision Day stuff set and I'll be good to go until May --  so exciting! :)