Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I was asked by my job to write a brief biography about my career experiences as well as including some hobbies; of course running was one of the things I listed. Today I re-completed week 6, part 3 of the C25K schedule. The last time it looks like I completed this was back in September! That means the new goal to beat sometime this week is to walk 5 minutes, run 25 minutes. I think this would be the very first time completing week 7 so I really hope I keep it up.

One of my students from the high school gave me a token that he received from one of his boxing idol's when he was a very young age. This was so difficult for me to accept, but just a couple of days ago he wrote me a letter letting me know his struggles with family and everyone around him and how they doubt his potential for becoming successful both in life, but also more specifically in boxing. He said that I was the only person who has ever shown him faith that he can achieve more. These small moments really validate what I have already helped others achieve, it's such a wonderful feeling. The picture below is of several of my 1st period office workers as well some others that I constantly worked with. They threw me a surprise going away party which included tamales, flowers, and SO much cake.

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