Sunday, June 23, 2013

Strides and Struggles

I did it! After about two to three weeks of not working out, I still completed my week 8, phase 1 run of 5 minutes of walking + 28 minutes of jogging. I'm not going to lie, having Scandal playing on Netflix helped me take my mind off of what a drag it was to run that long.

As for my struggles, we've been in the market of buying a home and it seriously is such a headache. I always think I know what I'm doing because of all the research I've done but then I get put back in square one. Still excited to keep on looking for the house that's just really us! Good news? We're moving forward with having been pre-approved. Now it's just the next steps that feel difficult.

We'll also be working on a video to win money to a furniture store!!

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