Monday, July 15, 2013


So it's official, we didn't win any of the prizes for the furniture contest. That just means that we need to rebudget our money and priorities again so that we'll be good for a while in the new house. The days are just whizzing by and we are excited that all of the loan documents are currently being processed. Next steps are to pick a homeowners insurance company (oh and warranty) as well as look into our utilities providers.

Oops, I just realized that I forgot to update that after several different offers back and forth on the repairs, the sellers finally agreed to repair some of our items and give us an allowance to fix the rest of the major repairs. That'll do!

On the upside: I got an A in one of the summer courses and am wrapping up the second summer course within these next few weeks. BIG project to do by midnight tonight so I have to get on it.

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