Saturday, July 6, 2013

Exhausting Week

This week has been INSANE! My family got into town just in time for 4th of July celebrations with the boyfriend's family. It was great for everyone to finally meet each other after us dating for 6 and almost a half years :) Yesterday we went to drive around my potentially new home, grab lunch at a taco diner, and hit up the actual city for some historical site seeing.

I wrapped up one of my grad school courses just a couple days ago. Although I already know my numerical grade, it's always a bit nerve-wrecking to find out what I got in the class. I guess I'll miss this exciting part of being in school when I'm officially done next year. It'll be interesting to see what I end up doing for my internship requirement; hopefully, I'll get to work on some sort of project for the high school!

As far as the house goes, we apparently put in the lowest offer on the house we loved and in the end, won the bid. We're now scheduled for a home inspection on Tuesday evening, which I think several people are tagging along for... I might second guess myself sometimes about the home just because it's such a BIG decision, but I think if the home inspection goes swell I'll feel a lot more at ease. As of right now, we've already sorted out some of the kinks with the lender and title company. Now we have to decide on a homeowners insurance company. We'll probably grab some quotes today and decide pretty quickly (by the way, that's how fast this whole process goes).

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