Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Home

So we did it; we got the keys to our first home! It's got great curb appeal and an even luckier street number to go with it (which is very important to my mom). We moved in on Friday night and began tearing down wallpaper and prepping around the fridge area. This was our first time doing something like this so we ended up messing up and digging all the way through what was a layer of sheetrock. Alex had to get joint compost the next day to smooth it all out - how is he so good at that?!

Luckily, we had Kevin help us on Saturday morning with all the heavy lifting. Jeez, U-Hauls can add up so fast! Now that we have some of the furniture in the house, it's really coming together. I can't wait to get some color and bath mats up in this place though. Here's some before pictures of the kitchen:

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