Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Name

I've always wanted to keep a consistent blog, but for a while I lacked anything worthy of blogging. Yes, it's fun when there's dinners with friends or I see a movie, but let's face it, I love reading entries by others that I can relate to or better myself with. All things DIY are amazing to me, I just hope that Alex trusts that I won't revert to my half-ass tendencies and leave him with any projects I start. (:

I told my sister that I was in the market for a new title for my blog and threw "The Shirls Edition" at her. She began to spew out other words that rhyme with my name (other words that I've been scarred for life throughout elementary school)! "The Whirlwind Down". Hmm... well I've always felt like my life has been chaotic but somehow we always put the pieces back together and move on.

Since Alex and I have been saving anywhere we can for the home expenses, it crossed our minds to sell the DSLR since we're honestly both too lazy to lug it around places and sometimes too shy to bust that beauty out. However, my sister asked if I could bring it down to Houston this weekend to her engagement party. What a good idea! Maybe it won't be sold after all ;) 

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